DUBLIN, IRELAND (September 10, 2024) — Former Westchester County Legislator Damon Maher recently asked about the new Sustainable Westchester / Westchester Power contract in his comment on my story about their presentation at the June 11 COW meeting of the New Rochelle City Council. While I have no doubt Damon was accurate
DUBLIN, IRELAND (September 8, 2024) — Remember how happy I was last week with Notre Dame’s big win? Strike that, reverse it. I was eagerly awaiting the Giants game to cheer me up. It only made things worse. Next week, I am off to the North of Ireland where Loli
DUBLIN, IRELAND (September 8, 2024) — As I told readers on August 30, I finally sat down that day to watch the video of the presentation by Sustainable Westchester to the New Rochelle City Council on June 11. As I watched, I felt the need to first provide context by relating
DUBLIN, IRELAND (September 4, 2024) — Over the past 18 months, Noam Bramson appears to have committed multiple violations of the New Rochelle Code of Ethics, including in his time as Mayor, and after becoming the Executive Director of Sustainable Westchester. These violations only came to light through records I obtained