New Rochelle Ethics Board Punts on Mayor’s Blatant Charter Violations

DUBLIN, IRELAND (July 12, 2024) — I heard back on my most recent ethics complaint against New Rochelle Mayor Yadira Ramos-Herbert for her signing an unauthorized contract, dated March 25, 2024, to hire a law firm to negotiate a Settlement Agreement with now former City Manager Kathleen Gill.
Given the fact that the New Rochelle Board of Ethics is so throughly, blatantly corrupt, many readers have wondered why I even bothered to file a second ethics complaint against Mayor Yadira Ramos-Herbert on May 21.
My answer is simple. I can only control what I do — file a valid and throughly documented ethics complaint — then publish what comes. Readers can then make up their minds.
In this case, the violations of the City Charter were so obvious and so egregious, I was eager to see what sort of crazy, convoluted rationale the ethics board would use to exonerate the Mayor this time. I will admit to a bit of disappointment with the response.