Three Reasons Why Sustainable Westchester Should be Indicted for Criminal Fraud

DUBLIN, IRELAND (September 27, 2024) — This week is one year since I began my investigation into Noam Bramson and Sustainable Westchester. I have developed a far more profound understanding of both. The three most provable elements of a criminal fraud case against Sustainable Westchester are these claims: we add renewable energy to the grid, we deliver green energy to your home, we save you 10% off your electricity bill with community solar.
What follows is my opinion, based on the facts, of repeated criminal conduct by Sustainable Westchester, its employees, members of their Board of Directors and members of their Committee of Electeds. I believe those who have orchestrated a Scheme to Defraud and engaged in False Advertising, as we all numerous violations of State and Federal consumer protection laws, should be criminally charged, prosecuted and hopefully convicted on numerous felony counts then sentenced accordingly.
I believe Sustainable Westchester should have their tax-exempt status revoked, and their operations placed under control of a special master who, in turn, should replace the senior management, the entire board of directors, and abolish the committee of electeds. All involved with Sustainable Westchester should be banned from holding any position with a tax-exempt organization, including but not exclusively Mike Gordon, Nina Orville, and Noam Bramson.
Here is why.