Recommended Reading: Talk of the Sound
December 4, 2022

I was asked (among others) to record a video message to Chuck Strome to be played at his retirement dinner this past Thursday. I was unaware it would be played to the entire room at the Greentree Country Club. I expect most people paid it no mind but one person was reportedly aghast to see me up on the big screen. Can you guess? Scroll to the bottom for the answer.
Interesting Links and Pix from the past week hand-curated by Robert Cox for the enjoyment and edification of the Sound Shore Community.
- Featured Talk of the Sound Articles
- Elsewhere on the Web
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- Deep Dives
- Resources
- News Tips

Rye Man Arrested Following Road Rage Altercation, Police Say

New Rochelle School District, Superintendent Cancel Twitter over Elon Musk Acquisition

New Rochelle Schools: Let the Twitter Purge Begin

New Rochelle City Council Votes to Hire Kathleen Gill as City Manager

Moody’s Assigns AA+ to Westchester County, NY’s GO Bonds; Outlook is Stable

New Rochelle Police Department Promotes Nine Officers

Live Music is Better: Roundup of Artists Performing Live in Westchester County

Court Reporter’s Notebook: Cases Followed by Robert Cox

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Q&A with Judge Rice: New Rochelle Opportunity Youth Part Two-Year Anniversary
NY Post settles lawsuit with city over NYC DOE delays on Freedom of Information requests
Westchester’s Holiday Market returns to New Rochelle Train Station
RXR Announces 50 Percent Lease-Up of One Clinton Park in Downtown New Rochelle
SpotCrime Map of New Rochelle 12/4/22

The SpotCrime map is produced here each week based on a long-standing partnership between Talk of the Sound and SpotCrime to track police incident report data provided by the New Rochelle Police Department. SpotCrime offers free alerts based on your neighborhood.

The Noam Bramson Ethics Transcripts: Final Summary with All Raw Transcripts

Timeline of Mayor Noam Bramson pursuing New Rochelle Development Commissioner Position
Inside the New Rochelle Police Department Clown Show – Table of Contents
Alec McKenna – Kamal Flowers Archive
Michael Vaccaro – Malik Fogg Archive

Robert Cox |Talk of the Sound |Words in Edgewise
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I welcome tips from readers. That said, I get many tips, sometimes about information I already have and sometimes about information I cannot independently verify. If you submit a news tip and want a reply you will need to either provide a way for me to reply to you or you will need to follow up directly with me using any of the contact information above, or you can reach me on a secure encrypted line via @SignalMessenger at (914) 325-4616. Other Alternatives are to DM on either Twitter account or leave a message at Google Voice at (914) 500-8386 or via regular mail at 10 LeCount Place, New Rochelle, NY 10801.

The answer is... Mayor Noam Bramson.