Recommended Reading: Talk of the Sound
March 12, 2023

Interesting Links and Pix from the past week hand-curated by Robert Cox for the enjoyment and edification of the Sound Shore Community.
- Featured Talk of the Sound Articles
- Elsewhere on the Web
- Image Gallery
- Deep Dives
- Resources
- News Tips
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New Rochelle Man Pleads Guilty in Operation Casper Ghost Gun Case

NJ Man Sentenced in NY for High-Speed Pursuit to New Rochelle in Land Rover Stolen in CT

West End Robbery Task Force Makes Two Arrests, 1 Adult and 1 Juvenile

New Rochelle Announces Neighborhood Meetings to Discuss Drainage Analysis Study

New York Attorney General Stops Gun Distributors from Shipping Ghost Gun Parts into New York

New Rochelle Mayor Noam Bramson Delivers His Final State of the City Address

CE Appoints Two New Youth Poet Laureates, One from New Rochelle

Two New Rochelle High School Step Teams Compete in National Step Championship

New York Attorney General Stops Gun Distributors from Shipping Ghost Gun Parts into New York

Court Reporter’s Notebook: Cases Followed by Robert Cox 3/10/23

Live Music is Better: Roundup of Artists Performing Live in Westchester County 3/8/23

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Mamaroneck Mayor Seeks Punitive Fees to Deter Challenges to Building Inspector Decisions
Iona WBB Advances to MAAC Championship Game
Mamaroneck Mayor Seeks Punitive Fees to Deter Challenges to Building Inspector Decisions
Monroe Men’s Basketball Advances to East District Championship Final
Iona MBB Advances To Championship Saturday With 71-59 Win Over Niagara
Iona MBB Knocks Off Mount St. Mary’s in MAAC Quarterfinal Round, 74-54
Topol, Star of ‘Fiddler on the Roof’ Onscreen and Onstage, Dies at 87
Rye Will Get $10M From State To Start Needed Sewer Upgrades
With All Eyes on the Big Dance, Wall Street Trades Slow During March Madness
Police Blotters: Increase in Mamaroneck Town Home Burglaries
Combo Ticket for LIRR and Metro-North Railroad
Eric Adams to Shoppers: Drop that Mask
SpotCrime Map of New Rochelle 3/12/23

The SpotCrime map is produced here each week based on a long-standing partnership between Talk of the Sound and SpotCrime to track police incident report data provided by the New Rochelle Police Department. Get free alerts based on your neighborhood:

Court Reporter’s Notebook: Cases Followed by Robert Cox 3/3/23
Court Reporter’s Notebook: Cases Followed by Robert Cox 2/24/23
Court Reporter’s Notebook: Cases Followed by Robert Cox 2/17/23
Court Reporter’s Notebook: Cases Followed by Robert Cox 2/10/23
Court Reporter’s Notebook: Cases Followed by Robert Cox 2/3/23
Recommended Reading: Talk of the Sound 3/5/23
Recommended Reading: Talk of the Sound 2/26/23
Recommended Reading: Talk of the Sound 2/20/23
Recommended Reading: Talk of the Sound 2/13/23
Recommended Reading: Talk of the Sound 2/6/23

Our Biggest Stories of 2022 – by Robert Cox
DEEP DIVE A Primer on Fentanyl Overdoses and Related Toxicology – Introduction

The Noam Bramson Ethics Transcripts: Final Summary with All Raw Transcripts

Timeline of Mayor Noam Bramson pursuing New Rochelle Development Commissioner Position
Inside the New Rochelle Police Department Clown Show – Table of Contents
Alec McKenna – Kamal Flowers Archive
Michael Vaccaro – Malik Fogg Archive

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Words in Edgewise
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Robert Cox
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Vimeo: robertcox
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